Minutes of the January 2016 Organizational Meeting


January 4, 2016

Francis Fruehan called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Everyone saluted the Flag.

Francis Fruehan made a motion that Evan Everitt act as temporary Chairman, Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Butch DeLousia made a motion that Francis Fruehan serve as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan made a motion that Evan Everitt serve as Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Evan Everitt made a motion to reappoint Sandy Brink as Secretary/Treasurer at an annual salary of $14,000, Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan made a motion to appoint Sandy Brink as Open Records Officer and authorizing her to work as laborer, both at an hourly rate of $15.50, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan made a motion that the Tax Collector’s commission remain at 4%, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Butch DeLousia made a motion to approve the tax collector’s appointing of Lois Nagy as Deputy Tax Collector, Francis Fruehan seconded, all approved.

Butch DeLousia made a motion that Evan Everitt work as Road Master, Francis Fruehan seconded, all approved.

Butch DeLousia made a motion to appoint Franics Fruehan as Assistant Road Master, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Butch DeLousia made a motion authorizing Francis Fruehan to work as a laborer, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan made a motion authorizing Butch DeLousia to work as a laborer, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Butch DeLousia made a motion to appoint Paul Litwin as township solicitor, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan made a motion to make the following reappointments:
- Timothy Burgh as Police Chief at an hourly rate of $18.80 per the Collective Bargaining agreement
- Levi Tiffany as part-time police officer at an hourly rate of $15.23
Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Evan Everitt made a motion to appoint Francis Fruehan as Police Administrator, Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Butch DeLousia made a motion for Francis Fruehan to be primary representative for the Northern Tier Coalition, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan made a motion for Evan Everitt to be alternate representative for the Northern Tier Coalition, Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

We are not ready to make an appointment for the new term on the Municipal Authority. Hopefully that can be done at next month’s meeting.

Evan Everitt made a motion to make the following appointments on the Silver Lake Township Planning Commission,
Member 1 - Reappoint Joseph Sodon to a 4 year term expiring December 31, 2019
Member 2 - Reappoint Francis Fruehan to a 4 year term expiring December 31, 2019
Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan made a motion to reappoint Susquehanna County COG as Sewage Enforcement, Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan a motion to reappoint Code Inspections Inc. as the Construction Permit Administrator / Floodplain Administrator for Floodplain Ordinance enforcement. Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan made a motion to reappoint Code Inspections Inc. as the UCC Building Code Enforcement, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan made a motion to reappoint Don Conning to the Township’s UCC Board of Appeals as Member 2 for a 5 year term expiring December 31, 2020, Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Evan Everitt made a motion to appoint Francis Fruehan as Assessment Permit Officer and the UCC and Sewage Enforcement liaison, Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan made a motion to appoint Evan Everitt & Butch DeLousia as an alternate assessment permit officers and UCC and Sewage Enforcement liaisons, Butch DeLousia seconded, approved.

Butch DeLousia made a motion to reappoint PLGIT and Peoples Security Bank & Trust and to appoint NBT as the banks and depository for the Township in 2016, Francis Fruehan seconded, all approved.

Butch DeLousia made a motion to keep the line of credit in the amount of $50,000 open with Peoples Security Bank and Trust, Francis Fruehan seconded, all approved.

Evan Everitt made a motion to reappoint Brian Gardner as Chairman of the Vacancy Board, Francis Fruehan seconded, all approved.

Butch DeLousia made a motion that the Supervisors meeting pay remain at $375 per quarter. Francis Fruehan seconded, all approved. This is already set by ordinance.

Francis Fruehan made a motion for the following:
- ten paid holidays for township employees,
- for full-time employees with 1 to 5 years of service as a full-time employee with the Township, 120 hours of paid time off (combined vacation, personal time, sick time),
- and for full-time employees with 6 plus years of service as a full-time employee with the Township - 160 hours of paid time off (combined vacation, personal time, sick time),
Butch DeLousia seconded, approved with Everitt abstaining.

Butch DeLousia made a motion that the Township Auditors rate be $10.00/hr. per state law, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved

Francis Fruehan made a motion that labor rates for township employees are as follows:
- Temporary CDL Driver or Equipment Operator $16.00/Hr.
- Brian Henchcliff as Laborer/Equipment Operator/CDL Driver $17.55/Hr. without individual health insurance
- Seth Everitt as Laborer/Equipment Operator/CDL Driver $17.81/Hr.
- Roadmaster recommended $18.58/Hr
Butch DeLousia seconded, approved with Evan Everitt abstaining.

It should be noted that rates for supervisors as employees will be set by the Auditors.

Evan Everitt made a motion that Silver Lake Volunteer Fire Company provide fire and emergency services to Silver Lake and Choconut Townships and the Fire Company members are hereby authorized to attend all fires, training and mutual aid calls and all other activities as authorized by the Fire Chief and Officers, Butch DeLousia seconded, All approved.

Evan Everitt made a motion to accept the list of Fire Police as submitted by the Fire Chief, Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Butch DeLousia make a motion to advertise in the Susquehanna County Independent, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan made a motion that the Regular Monthly Supervisors Meetings be held the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM unless a holiday, then on the Tuesday immediately following at the Silver Lake Township Building. Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan made a motion that Monthly Work Sessions be held the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM unless a holiday, then on the day immediately following at the Silver Lake Township Building. If a work session is not going to be held, a notice will be posted on the door. Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Butch DeLousia made a motion that personal vehicle mileage for township business be reimbursed at the same rate as allowed by the IRS. Rate for Supervisors would have to be approved by the Auditors. Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan made a motion to adjourn the organizational portion of the meeting, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Sandra Brink

Supervisors Present:
Evan Everitt
Francis Fruehan
Richard DeLousia

posted 4/21/2016