Disclaimer: This is believed to be an accurate representation of the adopted by-laws, however only the copy on file with the Secretary of the Municipal Authority is official. Base all actions and decisions only on the official copy.

January 25, 2011

(As amended January 25, 2011)
            Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania


Adopted:  December 10, 1975


WHEREAS, Silver Lake Township Municipal Authority (the “Authority”) has undertaken to construct and operate a sanitary sewage collection and disposal system (the “Sewerage Facilities”) to serve portions of Silver Lake Township, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania (the “Township”), and

WHERAS, the Board of Supervisors of the Township have heretofore enacted an ordinance requiring connection to the Sewerage Facilities of certain structures accessible thereto; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Authority to provide for the manner of connection to, and use of, the Sewerage Facilities by the public and to establish fees, rates and charges in respect thereof:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by Silver Lake Township Municipal Authority, that:


Section 101:   As used herein, the terms “Authority” “Sewerage Facilities” and “Township” shall have the respective meanings given to such terms in the recitals to this resolution.

Section 102:  As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings specified below:

(a)                             “industrial waste” means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance or water-borne waster or form of energy rejected or escaping from any industrial, manufacturing, trade or business process or from the development, recovery or processing of natural resources, as distinguished from sanitary sewage.

(b)                            “sanitary sewage” means the normal, water-carried household and toilet wastes resulting from human occupancy of residences and other establishments.

(c)                             “street sewer” means that portion of the Sewerage Facilities which consists of piping and related facilities designed for the collection and transmission of sewage from individual properties to the facilities for treatment and disposal and which is designed for connection with the facilities for discharge from such individual properties.  A sewer is a street sewer whether located in a public street or way or in an easement or right-of-way for the purpose.


Section 201:   There is hereby imposed a connection fee for each connection to be made to the Sewerage Facilities, which fee shall be payable upon application for permit to make the connection.  Such connection fee shall be reviewed yearly.

Section 202:  No connection shall be made to any street sewer except upon permit issued by the Authority.  Application for a connection permit shall be made upon forms provided by the Authority.  An application must be executed by the owner of the property to be connected or by his/her/its duly authorized representative.  No property other than that described in the connection permit shall at any time be connected with or attached to the street sewer. All casements, grinder pumps and accessory parts must be purchased through SLTMA.

Section 203:  The Authority will provide and install a lateral “Tee”, a curb stop, and check valve in the street sewer in respect of each improved property for the purpose of connection.

Section 204:  The collection system portion of the Sewerage Facilities is of the pressurized type.  In order to assure the proper operation of the overall collection system, it is necessary to install, below grade, a standard “grinder-pump unit”, in respect of each building served, between the building the point of connection at the street sewer.  This unit consists of a cylindrical fiberglass encasement within which there is contained the requisite grinder, motor, pump, tank and man way.  Piping from the building to the unit inlet must permit gravity flow.  Piping from the outlet to the point of connection at the street sewer must be compatible with the street sewer and will accommodate flow under pressure generated by the unit.

The Authority will provide to the property owner, without additional cost, at the Authority’s storage and distribution point within the Township (or, at the option of the Authority and upon proper arrangement, at the property connection site) a complete grinder-pump unit (title to which to remain in the Authority).  The property owner must, however, at such owner’s expense, install such unit and connecting services.  Such installation shall include, without limitation, (i) excavation of the pit for the grinder-pump unit, (ii) excavation of trenches for piping between the building and the unit and between the unit and the street sewer, (iii) the laying of a 6” gravel pad at the base of the unit pit, on which pad the unit must be leveled, (iv) the pouring of a concrete encasement around the bottom of the unit, a minimum of 1 foot width and 2 foot 2 inch height, (v) the laying of requisite piping between the building and the unit and between the unit and the street sewer, (vi) the provision of electric service to power the unit (which, unless otherwise approved by the Authority shall be by underground electrical cable).

Section 205:  Since the per-foot cost of install pressure pipe between the grinder-pump unit and the street sewer will generally be less than the per-foot cost of installing gravity pipe and electrical service between the building and the unit, the Authority will permit the location of the unit as close to the building as the owner desires, provided, however, that the owner shall first grant to the Authority, in form satisfactory to the Authority, an easement, for location and future maintenance of the unit and the piping, between the unit and the street sewer. 

Section 206:  As provided in Section 204, the property owner must install the necessary electrical connection to power the grinder-pump unit and must thereafter, at such owner’s expense, between the building and the unit must be so routed and designed as to include an outside, above-grade power shut-off which can be opened at any time by the Authority’s personnel for service and emergency control purposes.  The electric supply to power the grinder-pump heater, which keeps the moisture from controls, must be left on all year.  Grinder-pumps are checked periodically.  Any damage, due to the power being turned off, will be repaired at the property owner’s expense.

Section 207:  The piping between the building and the grinder-pump unit and between such unit and the street sewer, the concrete anti-flotation base and the electrical power connection facilities shall all comply with the detailed technical specifications in respect thereof set forth in Sections 213-216 hereof.  Installation shall be performed only by qualified mechanics, who shall be names in the application for the connection permit.

Section 208:  A separate building connection shall be required for each building unit or house, whether constructed as a detached unit or as one of a pair or row, but a single building connection will be permitted to serve a school, factory, apartment house, or other permanent multiple unit structure whose individual apartments or units may not be subject to separate ownership.

Section 209:  Every building connection must be inspected and approved by the Authority before the trench is backfilled.  The Authority may, as its discretion, permit the utilization of existing piping between the building and the grinder-pump unit, providing an inspection discloses that it is reasonable true to grade and alignment and that the pipe is in good condition.  In the case of any such existing piping the Authority shall have the right to require the owner to uncover the full extent of such pipe to determine its condition and require its replacement with approved pipe, if the inspection discloses the existing pipe to be crushed or damaged in any manner.  The cost of such an inspection including the cost of uncovering and replacing the pipe where necessary shall be the sole responsibility of the owner.

Section 210:  All excavations for building connection shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard.  Streets, sidewalks, curbs, and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored to their previous condition and in a manner satisfactory to the Authority.

Section 211:  All connections to the public sewer system are made upon the express understanding and agreement of the property owner that:

(a)                          Neither the Authority nor the Township nor the Board of Township Supervisors nor any other agency operating the sewer system shall be liable for any damage or expense resulting from leaks, stoppages, or defective plumbing or from any other cause occurring to any premises or within any house or structure when such damage or expense is found to have resulted from stoppages, damage or defects in any house connection, nor shall the Authority or the Township, etc., be liable for a deficiency or failure of service when occasioned by an emergency, required repairs, or failure from any cause beyond its control:

(b)                          The Authority reserves the right to restrict the use of sewer whenever the public welfare may require it;

(c)                          The Authority and its duly authorized agents shall have the right of access at all reasonable hours to all parts of any premises connected with the sewer system for the purpose of examining and inspecting the connections and fixtures, or for disconnecting service or for any proper cause; and

(d)                          The permit applicant must give written notice to the Authority upon any change in ownership of any improved property.  Failure to notify the Authority will result in prior owners being responsible for all invoices.

Section 212:   The installation of the grinder-pump unit, of the connecting pipe and related facilities from the building to the unit and of the pipe and related facilities from the unit to the street sewer shall be made in accordance with the detailed specifications hereinafter set froth as Sections 213 through 216.  Should any aspect of such specifications be unclear to the property owner, he should seek further instruction from the Authority.  Following installation as aforesaid, the Authority will periodically inspect and maintain the grinder-pump unit at the Authority’s expense, provided however, that any damage caused to the unit as a result of the discharge into the same of prohibited substances or other misuse by the property owner or caused by physical collision or impact with the unit shall be repaired by the Authority at the property owner’s expense.  The property owner shall in all events be responsible for the maintenance and repair of all sewer piping (whether between the building structure and the unit or, notwithstanding any easement in favor of the Authority pursuant to Section 205, between the unit and the street sewer) and related facilities, including the electric power service facilities.

Section 213:  The grinder-pump unit shall be located in a convenient spot accessible to the Authority at all times.  All sanitary drains from the house must be connected into one 4” diameter PVC plastic line.  This line shall be solvent welded to the hub on the grinder-pump unit.  Other connections to this line shall be made with approved transition fittings resulting in an infiltration free construction.  Lines shall be run true to line and grade with a minimum pitch of 1/8” per foot. 

Acceptable materials to extend the house connection to the PVC plastic inlet are:

Cast Iron Soil Pipe                   - ASTM #A74-42 or equal
Vitrified Clay Pipe                    - ASTM #C13-44T or equal
ABS Plastic Pipe                      - ASTM #D-1788 or equal
Cement Asbestos Pipe              - ASTM #D-1869 or equal
PVC Plastic Pipe                      - Schedule 40 or SDR 21

Changes in direction shall be made only with properly curved pipe and fittings.

All joints and connections shall be made gastight and watertight in an approved manner.  Cast iron soil pipe joints shall be firmly packed with oakum or hemp and filled with molten lead (Fed. Spec. QQ-L-156) not less than one inch deep, run in one pouring and caulked tight.  Vitrified clay pipe joints shall be flexible compression type (ASTM Spec. C-425-60T), Type III, “O” ring.  Truss or approved plastic pipe joints shall be fully chemically welded with plastic solvent in strict accordance with pipe manufacturers’ recommendations.  Cement asbestos pipe joints shall consist of couplings and rubber rings in accordance with ASTM specifications D-1869.  Other jointing materials and methods may be used only with prior approval of the Authority.

All excavations required for the installation of a building sewer shall be open trench work unless otherwise approved by the Authority.  Pipe laying and backfill shall be performed in accordance with ASTM specification (C 12-19) except that no backfill shall be placed until the work has been inspected.

Building connections must be provided with adequate cover to protect the pipe from crushing or frost action.  Each building connection exceeding 25 feet in length from the grinder-pump to the building structure must be provided with a six-inch clean-out vent.  The property owner is in all cases responsible for the continued maintenance of the building connection.

All connections to existing septic tanks, cesspools, drainage pits and/or leach fields shall be broken off and plugged.  It is strongly recommended that existing facilities be pumped out, well limed or otherwise disinfected and filled with dirt or stone.

Section 214:  Excavation for the grinder-pump unit shall be to a depth of 8 feet  from the natural or finished grade level.  The bottom of the excavation shall be level and all loose material removed by hand shoveling.  Minimum diameter of the base of the excavation shall be 54 inches.  A six-inch deep layer of gravel or crushed stone (equal to or finer than Penn DOT Specification 1-B) shall be placed in the excavation.

The grinder-pump unit shall be leveled on the gravel base and rotated into proper alignment with the house sewer and discharge line.  The inlet line is a gasket connection to the tank and extends towards the house sewer.

The grinder-pump lower tank shall be filled with water, then the required concrete shown on the attached drawing shall be placed around the lower unit.

Make all electrical and piping connections, and then call the Authority for inspection of the installation.

After approval by the Authority, backfill by hand in 6-inch layers and hand tamp each layer to minimize future settling.  Do not allow stones, sticks or other debris to be placed adjacent to the fiberglass tank, wiring or pipe.

Section 215:  Electrical service shall be provided to the grinder-pump unit by the homeowner.  Electrical installations shall meet the requirements of all Local, State and National Electric Codes.  Each unit shall be provided with a 240V, 3 conductor, #10 single phase power circuit direct from the fuse box.  This circuit shall be protected with a 2-30 amp circuit breaker.

Wire sizes shall be as follows:

Total Length of Wire Required              Minimum Wire Size
0-50 feet                                                          #12
50-75 feet                                                        #10
75-100 feet                                                      #8
Beyond 100 feet                                               Consult Authority

Each grinder-pump unit shall be provided with an approved fused lockable 3 pole disconnect switch in a 3-R enclosure.  The switch shall be located outside the residence or place of business at a height of 4’ – 0” from the bottom of the enclosure to the ground.  The switch shall be located not more than 40’ from, and in sight of the grinder-pump unit.  Easy access to the switch shall be maintained at all times.

Any National Electric Code approved wiring method may be used.

Section 216:   The discharge line shall include the Authority supplied redundant check-valve.  This valve shall be attached to the curb stop.  Discharge piping shall be 1-1/4’ SCH 40 PVC pipe, buried a minimum of 48 inches deep. Pipe shall be laid in a 4-inch bed of sand and covered with 6-inches of sand.  Sand spec. is Type A or Type B #1 fine aggregate in Section 703-1 of the latest issue Penn DOT Form 408 specifications.  AASHTO No. 8 crushed stone or gravel aggregate Table C section 703.2 Publication 408 Spec.  Do not use slag or cinders.


Section 301:

(a)                             There is hereby imposed upon the owners and upon the users of each property served by (whether by direct connection or through the intervening utilization of other sewer lines and facilities) the Sewerage Facilities, for the use thereof, an annual sewer rent, to be computed and payable in accordance with the following subsections of this Section 301.

(b)                            The sewer rent shall be computed on a flat-rate basis per fiscal year per equivalent dwelling unit.  A single-family residence or dwelling shall be considered one such unit. All residential customers shall be billed a minimum of one (1) Equivalent Dwelling Unit for sewer user fees. Other types of structures or uses of property shall be equated to residential units in accordance with the following table of Equivalent Dwelling Units:

Table of Equivalent Dwelling Units

Classification of Property Dwelling
Two-Family Dwelling 2
Trailer 1
Apartment House, per rental unit 1
Hotel, per 4 rental rooms 1
Restaurant, Club, Tavern,
        Per l5 seats or fraction thereof
Church, Fire Company 1
       Without cafeteria, gym and showers, per 37 people
       With cafeteria, no gym or showers, per 26 people  1
       With cafeteria, gym and showers, per 20 people 1
Service Station, Automobile Repair Garage,
        Two bays or less
        Each additional bay over 2 ½
Barber or Beauty Shop, not attached to owner’s residence,
         Two chairs or less
1 ½
         Each additional two chairs or fraction thereof ½
Barber or Beauty Shop, attached to and forming a part of
Owner’s residence
        Two chairs or less ½
        Each additional two chairs or fraction thereof ½
Laundromat, per 5 washers or fraction thereof 1
Retail Store, Office, Business or Industry,
        8 or less employees
         each additional four employees or fraction thereof ½

The right to change equivalency values from time to time, to add or delete property classifications and, in cases of dispute, to determine the proper classification of any property is hereby reserved.

(c)                             If two or more dwellings, apartments, stores, offices or industrial units are connected to the public sewerage system through a single lateral, or if two or more families use separate cooking or toilet facilities in a single dwelling, the sewer rent payable under subsection (b) shall be computed as through each such dwelling, apartment, store, office or industrial unit and each such family were a separate property or user with a separate connection to the public sewerage system.

(d)                            Sewer rent for commercial establishments under subsection (b), which is dependent upon the number of bays, washers, or chairs under the foregoing schedule shall be computed on the basis of the average number of such bays, washers, etc., for the fiscal year preceding the date of the annual bill.

(e)                             Sewer rent for retail stores, offices and industrial or manufacturing plants payable under subsection (b) shall be computed on the basis of the average number of employees for the fiscal year preceding the date of the annual bill.

(f)                              In the event that the Authority is not provided upon request with accurate information, including supporting documents, to determine the number of employees using any property or such other data as may be necessary to determine a user classification or rate under subsection (b), the Authority’s estimate or determination thereof shall be conclusive.

(g)                             Special Permit for Accessory Use.

Definitions for the purpose of this sub-section:

Accessory Building -  A building supplement to a one-family dwelling, located on the same lot and used for purposes customarily incidental to those of the one-family dwelling and another grinder-pump is not required by the Authority for such building (this does not include rental property).

Accessory Use- A use customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal use of a one-family dwelling.

One-Family Dwelling –A detached building designed for or occupied exclusively by one family.

Family – any number of individuals related by blood or marriage or adoption, living and cooking together on the premises as a single housekeeping unit.  Customary domestic servants are an adjunct to the term “family”.

There may be issued by the Authority an annual special permit for accessory use of an accessory building to a one-family dwelling.  The Authority shall supply the appropriate form and make the necessary inquiry to verify the accuracy of the information contained in the application.  An application must be filed each year for such a permit.  If, during the permit year, the accessory use changes, then, in that event, the permit shall be revoked and a full unit pro-rated charge shall be imposed.

The equivalent dwelling unit charge for a special permit for accessory use shall be one-third.

Section 302:

  1. Connection (tapping fees) shall be charged in accordance with the SLTMA resolutions and are payable upon application for permit.
  2. Bills for sewer rent shall be mailed to the address of the record owner of the property served unless and until a different address is specified by the owner of the property to the Authority.  Failure to receive a bill as a result of incorrect address or otherwise shall not excuse nonpayment or rent or extend the time for payment.  Bills for sewer rental will be mailed annually during the month of May for the Laurel Lake/Pop’s Hobby system and June for the Quaker Lake system.
  3. All inspection fees for a property owner intending to connect an accessory use dwelling to the authority’s sewer system or to replace or relocate a casement shall be due and payable at the time application is made to the Authority to make such a connection. The fee shall cover up to two (2) inspections of the sewer connections. All additional inspections will be charged at the hourly rate with a minimum of one hour per visit.
  4. Billing for a new accessory use will be done 180 days after the inspection.
  5. In the event that the owner of record transfers from or adds to the ownership of a property served by the Authority sewer, the Transferor must inform the Authority of the transfer or addition to the deed on or before the date of closing. The Transferor must also inform the Transferee of the sewer service, annual fee, and any and all outstanding or past due Authority bills and interest payments due for the property on or before the date of closing.
  6. All costs and expenses including but not limited to legal fees, liens or maintenance required for servicing an account due to customer error or neglect or abuse including but not limited to equipment damage and delinquency shall be billed to the customer account and includes penalty fees and interest fees as identified in Section 303.

Section 303

  1. If any sewer rental is not paid within 60 days after the date of the bill, the aggregate amount thereof shall bear interest from the penalty date at a rate of one percent (1%) per month or fraction thereof. 
  2. If a bill remains unpaid for a period of 365 days after the invoice date, the unpaid sewer rent (together with interest thereon to the extent permitted by law) shall be a lien on the property served which may be collected by action in assumpsit’s, by distress or by a lien filed in the nature of a municipal claim, as and to the extent provided by law.
  3. However, in the case where a customer states that they did not receive a sewer bill in the mail and they meet the following criteria:
      1. The customer contacts the Authority’s office to advise they did not receive their sewer bill and provides a signed statement.
      2. From the date of the last billing, the customer has paid their sewer billings for the previous three years in a timely manner. The authority will then waive the current penalty fee for this customer. Each customer will be eligible for one waiver only. In the case where a customer has not had service with the authority for a three year period, then the customer would be required to have paid in a timely manner from the date of initial service through the date of the last billing.

(c)        Any and all payments of rent will be applied to the oldest or most past due portion or invoice of an owner(s) or user(s) account first, regardless of request or intention by owner(s) or user(s) of said payment

Section 304

(a)        Claims or liens will be released when the bill, together with all interest, penalties and related filing fees have been paid in full. Such liens and/or Claims will be updated with new balances periodically.

Section 305:

            Supplemental rules and regulations regarding the payment and collection of the sewer rents imposed hereunder and the use of the Sewerage Facilities may be promulgated by the Authority from time to time.



Section 401:

(a)        The annual sewer rents imposed by Article III Section 301 hereof cover the discharge into the Sewerage Facilities of sanitary sewage only and all persons are hereby prohibited from discharging into the Sewerage Facilities (whether directly or through intervening sewerage facilities) any wastes, substances or matter other than sanitary sewage, except in accordance with this Section 401.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all persons are specifically prohibited from so discharging into the Sewerage Facilities

(i) any storm water or roof or sub-surface drainage from storm water inlets, sump-pumps, floor drains, roof leaders or other direct sources and

(ii) any substance or waste;

(A) having a temperature higher than 240 degrees F;

            (B) containing more than 120 parts per million by weight of tar, oil, and/or grease;

            (C) containing any gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel, oil or other inflammable or explosive liquids, solids, or gases:

            (D) containing any garbage which has not been ground by a household type or other suitable garbage grinder;

            (E) containing any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feather, tar plastics, wood, paunch manure, cotton, wool or other fibers or any other solid or viscous substances capable of causing interference with proper operation of the Sewerage Facilities:

            (F) having a ph lower than 6.5 or higher than 9.0 or having any other corrosive property causing damage or hazards to structures, equipment or operating personnel in respect of the Sewerage Facilities;

            (G) containing a toxic or poisonous substance in sufficient quantity to injure or interfere with any sewage or sludge treatment process, constitute hazards to humans or create any hazard in operation of the Sewerage Facilities.  Toxic wastes shall include, but not by way of limitation, wastes containing cyanide, chromium and/or copper ions; or

            (H)  containing noxious or malodorous gases or substances capable of creating a public nuisance.

(b)  Industrial wastes may be discharged into the Sewerage Facilities, but only upon prior written permit issued by the Authority.  Application for any such permit shall be accompanied by such information, relating to the nature or character of the industrial waste proposed to be discharged or otherwise, including without limitation, a detailed engineer or engineering firm, as the Authority may reasonable require.  Any permit issued under this sub-section (b) may be conditioned upon compliance with such reasonable restrictions as the Authority may impose, including, without limitation, requirements or the establishment of facilities for the pre-treatment and pre-screening of wastes, the construction of flow equalization facilities to assure a uniform rate of discharge and the construction of suitable control manholes to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of wastes and the discharge thereof.  Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided by the applicant when they are required by the Authority for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amounts, or any flammable wastes, sand or other harmful ingredients.  All such interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the Authority and shall be located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection.  Where any such required facilities or interceptors are constructed, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the applicant at his expense.  No permit for the discharge of industrial wastes issued under this sub-section (b) shall be deemed to give any right to the applicant to continue such use and any such permit may be revoked by the Authority at any time.

(c) The Authority may promulgate prohibitions against specific types or strengths of industrial wastes or other substances (in addition to those set forth in sub-section (a) of this Section 401) which are harmful to the Sewerage Facilities.  Such prohibitions may be modified from time to time by the Authority and any permit issued pursuant to sub-section (b) of this Section 401 shall, by virtue hereof, be subject to such prohibitions as the same are in existence from time to time.  Any person questioning the reasonableness of any such prohibitions as applied to property owned or sued by such person shall have the right to a hearing before the Board of the Authority within a reasonable time after requesting the same (but such request shall not operate as a stay of such prohibitions).

(d)  Upon the issuance of any permit for the discharge of industrial waste in accordance with sub-section (b) of this Section 401, the Authority may establish, and thereafter from time to time modify, a surcharge upon the sewer rent to be paid for the use permitted under such permit if the Authority determines the same to be appropriate considering the strength or other characteristics of the wastes.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this resolution, no substance shall be discharged or introduced by any person into the Sewerage Facilities in violation of any Pennsylvania or Federal Law governing the discharge of pollutants.


Section 501:  If any provision of these Rules and Regulations, or the application of any provision hereof, shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect or impair the remainder of the Rules and Regulations, it being the intention of the Authority that such remainder shall continue in full force and effect.

Section 502:  The Authority reserves the right to amend or modify these Rules and Regulations or any part thereof at any time or from time to time.

Section 503:   The Rules and Regulations of October 7, 2009 of identical title and all prior parts thereof in conflict or inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.