Minutes of the March 2014 Supervisors' Meeting

Regular Meeting Minutes
March 3, 2014

The Silver Lake Township Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, March 3, 2014 at the Silver Lake Township building.  Francis Fruehan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and opened with a salute to the Flag.

The minutes from the February  meeting were read and approved on a motion made by Evan Everitt and seconded by Francis Fruehan seconded, all approved.  The Treasurer Report was read, approved and held for audit on a motion made by Evan Everitt and seconded by Francis Fruehan.

Correspondence:  No Act 14 Notices received for new well pads, driveways or pipelines. 

Public Comment:  None

New Business:  Francis Fruehan said the terms for the Silver Lake Planning Commission members need to be adjusted.  A rough draft of a proposed Planning Commission Ordinance Amendment and a resolution reconfiguring terms is being worked on to be forwarded to the solicitor for his review and comments. 

Evan Everitt would like to advertise for road materials, fuels and sluice pipes.  Francis Fruehan made a motion to advertise for the materials, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Evan Everitt received the results from Auctions International:  Winch $4,500, Light Bar $77.50 and Pole Saw $220.00.  Francis Fruehan made a motion to accept all three bids, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Evan Everitt has another winch to advertise on Auctions International.  Evan Everitt made a motion to advertise the second winch, Francis Fruehan seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan read the police report with 10 incidents for the month of February. 

 Evan Everitt gave the road report.   Still dealing with winter. 

Driveway Permits – None.  Road Crossing Permits – None.   Assessment Permits – None.  As there was no further business presented, Francis Fruehan made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Sandra Brink

Supervisors Present:
Evan Everitt
Francis Fruehan

posted 04/12/2014