Minutes of the May 2014 Supervisors' Meeting

Regular Meeting Minutes

The Silver Lake Township Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, May 5, 2014 at the Silver Lake Township building.  Francis Fruehan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and opened with a salute to the Flag.

The minutes from the April meeting were read and approved on a motion made by Evan Everitt and seconded by Butch DeLousia, all approved.  The Treasurer Report was read, approved and held for audit on a motion made by Evan Everitt and seconded by Francis Fuehan, all approved.

Correspondence:  No Act 14 Notices received for new well pads, driveways or pipelines. 

Public Comment:  A resident asked about the status of the police department.  Francis Fruehan explained there is currently one full-time police officer as well as two part-time officers.  It was asked where the funds come from to pay the police department.  Francis Fruehan said there is a line item on the township tax notices specifically for the police department.   There were questions regarding the police schedule.  Francis Fruehan said the schedules vary.  One resident said her neighbor’s house was broken into and she is now afraid to be alone.  Angel Kublo said the township police should be kept in the township, their time would be better utilized in Silver Lake Township.  Residents asked what it would take to get more police officers.  It was suggested hiring retired police officers that could fill as needed.  Mr. Fruehan said state police also cover the area.  It was asked why the police chief did not attend the meetings to give the police report and the Township website.  Francis Fruehan said his time it better utilized in other areas. Police reports are posted in the local newspaper.   John Demaree asked about funds that were left in the police fund in 2013.  Francis Fruehan explained any money that is left it rolled over into the next year.  Vera Scroggins asked about a Right-to-Know Request she sent to the police chief.  Francis Fruehan said the chief if not to respond to the RTK Request; it must go through the Supervisors as well as the District Attorney.  Vera Scroggins felt the crime rates have increased in the area.

Evan Everitt gave the road report.  Frost is still coming out of the ground.  Working on ditch maintenance.  A Dirt/Gravel road project will be submitted for Crowley Road.  John Demaree asked if Barney Road would be worked on in the next four weeks.  Evan Everitt explained the frost is not out yet and is not ready for stone/oil.  There are roads that need to be worked before Barney Road. 

Bid results:  Bradco Supply for all sluicepipes.  L & D Quarries for #57, #8, 2A and DSA delivered.  Damacus 535 Quarries for 2RC picked up.  Williams Oil & Propane for unleaded gas and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel and Mirabito Fuel Group for heating oil.   Evan Everitt made a motion to accept the bids, Francis Fruehan seconded, all approved. 

Francis Fruehan read the police report with 22 incidents for the month of April which included two burgularies. 

Driveway Permits – None.  Road Crossing Permits – None.   Assessment Permits – None.  As there was no further business presented, Francis Fruehan made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Sandra Brink

Supervisors Present:
Evan Everitt
Francis Fruehan
Richard DeLousia

posted 06/09/2014