Minutes of the December 2014 Supervisors' Meetings

Regular Meeting
 December 2, 2014


The Silver Lake Township Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at the Silver Lake Township building.  Francis Fruehan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and opened with a salute to the Flag.

The minutes from the November meeting were read and approved on a motion made by Evan Everitt and seconded by Butch Delousia, all approved.                      

Treasurer Report was read, approved and held for audit on a motion made by Evan Everitt and seconded by Butch Delousia, all approved.

No Act 14 noticed received for new well pads, driveways or pipelines.

Public Comment:  Vera Scroggins asked if there was any word from WPX regarding the sale of their leases.  Mr. Fruehan said the township has not received any information from WPX.  Vera Scroggins asked about the road condition of Salt Spring Road.  She said there is a section of road that is very rough and asked if a sign could be installed at the beginning of the road to warn people.  Evan Everitt explained that road crosses four townships with it starting in Bridgewater Township.  Silver Lake Township has 7/10 of a mile of that road.  Silver Lake Township cannot install road signs in another township’s jurisdiction. 

Old Business:  Francis Fruehan spoke regarding proposed Ordinance No. 50 (reorganization of the Planning Commission).  The ad did not get in the paper in time for the ordinance to be adopted in December.  The ad will run in December and if the ordinance is approved will be adopted at a Special Meeting to be held on Monday, December 29 at 7:00 pm.  Vera Scroggins asked for an explanation of the ordinance.  It was explained it was to reorganize the terms of the Planning Commission members.  Copies of the proposed ordinance were made available at the meeting.

Francis Fruehan read Budget Resolution 2014-1 “Supplemental Appropriations of Actual 2014 Act 13 Revenue in the 2014 Budget.  This resolution replaces Resolution No. 2013-4 – Appropriations of Estimated 2014 Act 13 Revenue in the 2014 Budget.  Mr. Fruehan also read Resolution 2014-2 – Appropriations of Estimated 2015 Act 13 Revenue in the 2015 Budget.  At this time the resolution does not include a road project but it can be inserted at a later time.  Evan Everitt made a motion to approve Resolutions 2014-1 and 2014-2, Butch Delousia seconded, all approved.

New Business:  Francis Fruehan presented the proposed 2015 Budgets with no change in the millage.  Mr. Fruehan pointed out it looks like the building loan will be paid off in 2016.   The 2015 Budget will be adopted at a Special Meeting to be held on Monday, December 29, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the township building.  Francis Fruehan made a motion to advertise the 2015 Budget for public inspection and for a Special Meeting to be held Monday, December 29, 2014 at 7:00 pm as well as advertise the 2015 Reorganizational Meeting to be held on Monday, January 5, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the township building to be immediately followed by the regular monthly meeting.

Francis Fruehan gave the police report with 20 incidents for the month of November.

Evan Everitt gave the road report – Ditch work on township roads has been completed and winter maintenance has begun.

Assessment Permits – Frierman for a Recreational Cabin at Cranberry Lake and Zayac for a Recreational Cabin on Quaker Lake.

Driveway or Road Crossing Permits – none

Evan Everitt made a motion to pay the bills as submitted, Butch Delousia seconded, all approved.

As no further business was presented, Francis Fruehan made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Butch Delousia seconded, all approved.


Sandy Brink

Supervisors Present:
Francis Fruehan
Evan Everitt
Richard Delousia

Silver Lake Township
Special Meeting
December 29, 2014

Francis Fruehan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and called for a salute to the Flag.

The purpose of the special meeting was to adopt the proposed 2015 Budget and to consider for adoption the proposed Ordinance No. 50 which repeals Ordinance No. 6.and reestablishes and reorganizes the Silver Lake Township Planning Commission.

The proposed 2015 Budget was presented at the December regular township meeting and was advertised and available for public inspection on the township website as well as at the township building.  The Budget was briefly discussed.  There were no public comments.  Francis Fruehan made a motion to adopt the 2015 Budget as presented, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan spoke regarding Ordinance No. 50.  It was explained this ordinance reestablishes the Silver Lake Township Planning Commission and brings the ordinance into compliance with the Municipal Planning Code as well as brings planning member terms into compliance.  The drafted ordinance was read at the November regular township meeting and discussed at the December regular township meeting and advertised twice in the Susquehanna County Independent.   The ordinance was made available for inspection at the township building.   Evan Everitt made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 50 as presented, Butch Delousia seconded, all approved.

As no further business was presented, Butch Delousia  made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Sandy Brink

Supervisors Present:
Francis Fruehan
Evan Everitt
Richard Delousia

posted 01/10/2015