Minutes of the February 2015 Supervisors' Meeting

Silver Lake Township
Regular Meeting
February 2, 2015

Francis Fruehan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and called for a salute to the Flag.

Minutes from the Organizational Meeting and the January regular monthly meeting were read and approved on a motion made by Evan Everitt and seconded by Butch DeLousia, all approved.                          

The Treasurer Report was read, approved and held for audit on a motion made by Evan Everitt and seconded by Butch DeLousia, all approved.

Correspondence – No Act 14 Notices received for proposed well pads.

Public Comment - none

New Business – Francis Fruehan discussed proposed Ordinance #51 as advertised in the Susquehanna Independent during the month of January 2015 and made available for inspection at the township building. The title of this ordinance is “ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE PARTICIPATION OF SILVER LAKE TOWNSHIP IN THE PSATS UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION GROUP TRUST PURSUANT TO THE PENNSYLVANIA INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION LAW”.  The draft ordinance received from PSATS was reviewed by the township Solicitor and he suggested only minor modificationsWhile the township has been using PSATS for the unemployment obligation, there is no prior ordinance to recind.

Copies of the proposed ordinance were circulated before the meeting. Francis Fruehan opened the floor for public comment.  John Demaree asked if this saved the township money.  It was explained PSATS offers the lowest rate.

Francis Fruehan asked for a Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 51.

Butch DeLousia made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 51 Evan Everitt seconded.  All voted in favor.

Evan Everitt spoke and said there were two items he would like to post on Auctions International – 4,500 Lb Hydraulic Winch and a light bar.  Evan Everitt made a motion to advertise these items on the Auctions International site, Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan read the Police Report with 16 incidents for the month of January.  Mr. Fruehan also spoke regarding a letter received from the Susquehanna County 911 Center.  Currently, if there is no one to answer the phone in the police office, the call is automatically transferred to the County.  There are receiving a lot of non-emergency calls and are asking all police departments in the County to set up an answering machine to receive the non-emergency calls.  For all emergencies, residents should still call 911.   The police department will set up their own answering machine within the next month.

Evan Everitt gave the road report.  The winter continues to be busy and they are going through a lot of material on the roads for winter maintenance.

Assessment Permits – None

Driveway Permits – None

Francis Fruehan made a motion to pay the bills as submitted, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

As no further business was presented, Francis Fruehan made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Sandra Brink

Supervisors Present:
Evan Everitt
Francis Fruehan
Richard  DeLousia
