Minutes of the April 2015 Supervisors' Meeting

Silver Lake Township
Regular Meeting
 April 6, 2015

Francis Fruehan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and called for a salute to the Flag.

Minutes from the March Meeting were read and approved on a motion made by Evan Everitt and seconded by Butch Delousia, approved.                          

The Treasurer Report was read, approved and held for audit on a motion made by Evan Everitt and seconded by Butch Delousia, approved.

Correspondence – No Act 14 Notices received in March for proposed well pads.  Notice received from the County with information regarding a No Burn Ban in effect until May 2, 2015.  The no-burn ban is also noted on the board outside the fire station.  An email was received from WPX advising of the sale of their leases to SWN Energy.

Public Comment – It was asked if SWN Energy is any more active now that they have the former WPX sites.  Evan Everitt said he has noticed some of the signs have been changed but otherwise it seems to be just maintenance activities.  The township has not received any further information from SWN Energy.

There were concerns regarding the number of potholes on roads.  It was advised for any state roads, residents should contact the state with the locations of the potholes.

Francis Fruehan said the tax notices had been printed incorrectly.  New tax bills have been printed and mailed.  John Nagy did an excellent job getting the new notices out so quickly.  Anyone that paid before the new bills were mailed will be reimbursed. Francis Fruehan made a motion that John Nagy will be reimbursed for the cost of the postage that he paid to get the bills out and will then try to get reimbursed from the county for approximately $500, Evan Everitt seconded, all approved.

Francis Fruehan read the Police Report with 14 incidents for the month of March.  Report will be posted on the bulletin board immediately following the meeting.  The full report is also posted in the local newspapers. 

Evan Everitt would like to  advertise for bids for the following materials – Calcium Chloride, AASHTO 57, AASHTO 8, 2RC, DSA and 2A – delivered and picked up.  Sluice Pipes with smooth inside – 12”, 15”, 18”, 24” – 300 Ft of each +/-.  Francis Fruehan made a motion to advertise for the various materials, Butch Delousia seconded, all approved. 

Evan Everitt gave the road report – Most of March they were still dealing with snow.  Crew has been trying to get some sluice pipes opened so water can get through.  Hopefully within the next couple weeks they will be able to sweep the roads.

Assessment Permits – Jim Reynolds on Quinn Road  for a recreational cabin. 

Driveway Permits – None

Francis Fruehan made a motion to pay the bills as submitted, Evan Everitt seconded, approved.

As no further business was presented, Francis Fruehan made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Sandra Brink

Supervisors Present:
Evan Everitt
Francis Fruehan

posted 07/23/15