Minutes of the February 2016 Supervisors' Meeting


February 1, 2016

Francis Fruehan called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and called for a salute to the Flag.

Minutes from the Organization Meeting and the January Regular Meeting were read and approved on a motion made by Evan Everitt and seconded by Butch Delousia, all approved.

The Treasurer Report was read, approved and held for audit on a motion made by Evan Everitt and seconded by Butch DeLousia, all approved.

There was no public comment.

Evan Everitt spoke regarding various road materials that needs to be bid – Road materials #57, #8, 2A (DSA), 2RC; fuels – on-road diesel, unleaded gasoline and heating oil; sluice pipes – 15”, 18” and 24”; Triaxle at an hourly rate. Evan Everitt made a motion to advertise for the materials, Francis Fruehan seconded, all approved.

It was discussed at a previous meeting that Jim Chambers will no longer be maintaining the website. Francis Fruehan said the township website is still active. Jim Moronski who has volunteered to assist the township, said he should be able to maintain the website with software he already has.

Evan Everitt spoke regarding the condition of the township building and cold storage building. The bottom of the walls in the garage area are lower than the slabs, hold water, and are beginning to rot. The office area does not have this problem. The garage also has a lot of other problems and is in need of repair or replacement. He has talked to the State Representative Sandy Major regarding the availability of grants. He is exploring all options regarding the buildings.

Francis Fruehan read the police report with 11 incidents for the month of January. The full report will be printed in the local newspapers.

Evan Everitt gave the road report. The crew has been cutting brush and cleaning ditches.

Assessment Permits - None

Driveway Permits- None

Evan Everitt made a motion to pay the bills as submitted, Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

As no further business was presented, Francis Fruehan made a motion adjourn, Butch DeLousia seconded, all approved.

Sandra Brink

Supervisors Present:
Evan Everitt
Francis Fruehan
Richard DeLousia

posted 4/21/2016